The Significance Of The Wilderness – Benny Shobo
Before God uses a person for His divine purposes, He will firstly bring him/her from all that he/she is familiar with; so that He may
Before God uses a person for His divine purposes, He will firstly bring him/her from all that he/she is familiar with; so that He may
For us to do God’s will adequately, we must firstly sacrifice our own will for God’s will, in pursuit of the perfect will of God
A Holy person is a one after God’s heart. He/she may not be perfect, but he/she reverence God, and has the fear of God. A
It is clearly written in the Bible, in Hebrews 11:14, “without Holiness, no person will see God”. Holiness in a simplified definition simply means separation
Hebrews 12:29, “For our God is a consuming fire”. What is the Fire of God?I will describe The Fire of God as the intense and
Who was Stephen? Why was he a whole chapter and a half in the Bible dedicated to this man? Stephen was among the seven people chosen
The spiritual person in Jesus Christ, is one who is not ruled by the power of flesh, but by the power and governance of God,
Who is a Godly Leader? A godly leader is a mature follower of Jesus Christ; Who through thorough training and experience, have developed the character
Discernment is the ability to stop, listen and yield to the promptings, warnings and directions of the Holy Spirit before we act in any way.
What gives birth to a rivival is spiritual awakening. Spiritual Awakening can be defined as one or more experiences both physical and spiritual, that creates
Spiritual Limitations can be defined as forces both seen and unseen, which prohibits and hinders mankind’s destiny, visions, divine purposes and progress in life. In
Our Destiny Helper is no other than the Holy Spirit. I have often heard people refer to mankind as their destiny helper when they pray
God does not set just anyone aside to accomplish His divine will on the earth. God is very meticulous and diligent in choosing the person
I will define purity of heart as the completeness of one’s heart to God in love, reverence, truth, obedience, righteousness, and holiness. Matthew 5:8, “Blessed
Our Souls which consist of our Emotions (feelers), Thoughts (thinkers) and Actions (choosers) are by-products of where our hearts are, their conditions and what they
The story of Ruth and Naomi: Ruth Chapters 1,2,3 and 4Many times when we talk about the story of Ruth and Naomi in the Bible,
God wants us to get to the point in our lives, where we are obliged in faith and love to give Him back what He
Our minds are battlefields that need renewing constantly with the word of God. To Renew our minds simply means that we are transforming the way
I will define doing good as anything that we do unto others and ourselves, which gives glory to God. Doing good is a godly act
The power to forgive anyone who has wronged us in anyway, is truly divine and when we forgive those who have hurt, betrayed, or wronged
Sin is a great deterrent when it comes to serving God in Spirit and in Truth. Sin will not enable us to work in the
Daniel 11:32, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be
The Acts of the Apostles is given to us to illustrate how we should and must live our lives as children of God. In Acts
What is Grace? Grace is the unmerited favour given to us by God through the redeeming Blood of the Lamb (Jesus). It is an unearned
The word Worship is a verb, meaning it is an action word which requires an act. Now, The Hebrew word for Worship is SHACHAH, which means to
David was a true worshipper, who worshipped God in Spirit and in Truth, irrespective of his short indiscretions. One major thing to note about David
Human Reasoning is often mistaken for faith. Where faith relies on the word of God, human reasoning relies on one’s own strength and abilities. Therefore,
When the word of God becomes life to you, it means that you are abiding and living in the word of God. The word of
Many times we have been tried, and our love for God have been tested, but we choose to allow the love of God in our
We should take caution when it comes to what we wish for our enemies, especially when they have not done anything wrong to us. Many
God is forever the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”. He does not change
Over familiarity with God and the things of God, has caused many of us to fall from grace. When our reverence for God and the
We often forget that the shoe is not more important than the leg, and the gift is not more important than the giver of the
The amazing grace of God is the absolute kindness and divine favour of God to us, through His son Jesus, and by the power of
We do not give enough praise to God for all the wonderful things that He does and has done for us. Everyday, we are blessed
The mindset of Jesus is one that sees beyond the past and present, but is focused on the things that are to come. This kind
Psalms 31:20, “In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues”.
The fullness of time, signifies the beginning of a new era of a much-awaited thing, time or season. The fullness of time is never the
Ephesians 4:11-13, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit in my definition, is the divine character of the Holy Spirit of God, reflected in the lives of the
God is ever so kind to us His beloved children, and He willingly bestows upon us divine gifts, to aid us in our walk with
We all have names given to us when we were born into the earth by our parents, and these names distinguishes us from other people.
God classifies our response to His will for our lives in different ways, and before I differentiate amongst the three manners in which God relates
My definition of The Cheerful Giver is one who has been deeply affected by the word of God, and he/she demonstrates his/her gratitude to God,
1 Corinthians 4:20, “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power (Actions). I particularly loved The Message’s translation of
The spirit of a person, is the breath of God’s Spirit alive in that man. The soul of a person, is the mind of a
The man or woman chosen by God in my definition, is one who has been called, chosen, defined, refined, approved, ordained and equipped by God
1 John 2:20, tells us that we have an unction from the Holy one, and we know all things. In the bible, we see that
What in the world made you think that Jesus could not have stopped it? Just like the criminal who was crucified along with Jesus and
There is power in the words that we utter from our mouths. These spoken words can either build, edify or destroy, make, shape or break,
The most wonder gifts that we could ever receive, are the gifts from the Lord. The bible tell us in James 1:17, that every good
The anointing in my definition, is the power of God at work in the life of a believer, through the presence of the Holy Spirit
What is persistence? I would define persistence as, pushing through stubbornly amidst discouragements and obstacles; with the sole purpose of attaining a much desired outcome.
Sometimes when we pray to the Lord, it seems like He is not hearing us or He is not answering our prayers. We can be
As one of my most admired Patriots in the bible, I decided to carry out a comprehensive study on King David. So, who was King
We worship God in many ways and one of those ways, is through our dressings amongst our lifestyles, possessions and praises. There are three main
These are the end times, where unprecedented and unrighteous things are occurring everywhere. It is crucial that we remember what awaits us in Heaven as
The name of Jesus the bible tells us, is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are safe, Proverbs 18:10. When we
Not all prayers are the same, but they are all a form of communicating with God. When we pray to God, it is usually about
Our crosses are not the same, though they are all made of wood; like the cross that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ bore while
The Government says the economy is struggling; your doctor says there is no hope; your bank tells you that you are not creditable; your employer
The name far above and beyond all names, The name that is humble, yet magnificent, The name that gives hope, peace and joy, The name
If you are asked to define yourself, what would you say? That is a crucial question, and your answer to that question is even more significant.
From time to time, we may encounter situations that bother our minds, and this can make us to become anxious. As children of the Most High God,
The bible tells us that the fear of the Lord, is the beginning of Wisdom, “Proverbs 9:10”. So, what is the fear of God? I
To serve God, is to honour, love, obey and live for Him. It involves us surrendering all that we are and have to Him wholeheartedly,
If it hadn’t been for the Lord,I wouldn’t be standing where I am today smiling joyously. When all hell broke loose and there was nowhere
When God is set on breaking you, there is absolutely nowhere that you can hide, and there is certainly no one that can help you.
There are times when we seek God’s response about what we need from Him, but we are not fully prepared for the answer that we
What would Jesus do? Ans: Jesus would love me despite my shortcomings and mistakes. He will remind me that I am His and if I
When I remember how challenging and unprecedented life is, and I wonder what my next move will be, I remember that there is joy in
I would define being trapped as being in a situation or having a condition where one feels hopeless and confined. The one who is trapped
Sometimes, I hear this sweet peaceful and small quiet voice, telling me how precious I am to him. And I know it can only be
Although, I am hurt by the one that I least expected it from, and have every right to be, Although, my trust is broken and
Attitude, I will simply define, is one’s perspective and reaction to things, situations, people and life. Our attitude may either make or break us. Our
Have you ever wondered what is the purpose and essence of your life? Have you ever pondered about the empty void in your life? If
Why would I not love Jesus? That is the question! Never have I known anyone who desires the best for me like He does. Never
Myself reminds me always that it sees my pain though I am smiling, it will share the pain with me. Myself reminds me always that
Although, I know it does not feel right and my heart is steering me in the other direction, it is hard telling myself the truth.
Happiness is more than a word, it is joy in the heart. Happiness is more than a buzz, it is sweetness in the soul. Happiness
There will always be periods where it feels like we are going through the worst time of our lives, where we feel like we are
We often take for granted how valuable peace is. Peace is extremely vital in everything that we embark on; such as our relationship with families,
Just like any other journey you make, life requires you to be adequately prepared and equipped with all that you require to enable you complete
The world is a school, life is the teacher and we are the students. From when we are born into this world, our instincts has
True is honest, love is patient. True demonstrates its pureness, love demonstrates it is sacrificial. True challenges anything, love challenges your heart. True dares to
The grateful heart can not stay silent but excited, because it is overwhelmed with joy. The grateful heart laughs and often cry because it did
If I do not see it or smell it, I will not believe it!Welcome says faithlessness. If it has never been done or heard of;
I am not proud, arrogant or possessive because I am Wisdom! I do not think that I am extremely clever and very decisive because I
It may not sound nice and pleasing, but it is the truth. It may come as a shock and as an unwelcome answer, but it
Integrity demands that you go about your day with the consciousness of truth. Integrity demands that you put your word above yourself and title always.
I would not expect you to comprehend why I don’t rush to make friends, as I understand the significance of gradually forming lasting friendships. I
Once I was asked by my boss at work, “to what extent would you go to achieve your goal? During a serious discussion with a
Everytime In my head, I have things figured out and I am convinced I know what I am doing. Everyday at work, I abide by